
kapanmis bir mevzu.
yanlis anlasilmasin.
canta degistirirken temizlik yapip fis, cop mop atarkene bir kagit buldum.
defterden kopartilmis.
ustunde bir yazi.
tarih ise,

baya once.
yani su gune gore, geride kalmis.


'I love him so much that it hurts
but why?
I think I do force myself to fall in love.
I wasn't feeling anything that strong before.
and now it just hurts.
if he leaves me.
what will i feel this time?
it will hurt but maybe i can ease the pain.
i know it won't be pain that i will feel, but frusrtation.
i will feel so dumb.
i am makin' the same mistakes over and over again.
i feel so lonely and blue these days.
but i can't help it.
i feel lost event with m y friends.
i just want to cry but i don't have tears anymore.
i love him so much that it hurts.'

'emo' olan kisimlari cikartmadan, hic bir sansur olmadan aktardim .
cok komik,
kadinlarin sezgileri ne kadar guclu.
16ekim daha ortaada bir bok yok,

simdi ise her seyi geride birakmaya baslamisim.

hayat garip bazen evet.

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